Der LG Way ist eine einzigartige Managementphilosophie, die von LG Managern und Mitarbeitern über Generationen weitergegeben wurde.
LG Way Overview
The LG Way is LG’s unique management philosophy, which guides the thoughts and actions of all LG associates.
The LG Way aims to achieve LG’s vision of “No. 1 LG”, by practicing “People-oriented Management”, and “Creating Values for Customers” through “Jeong-Do Management”.
VisionThe ultimate goal of LG is to be recognized as the market leader in business performance as well as in management practices
Behavioral ModeEthical management and code of conduct to enable capability development and fair competition
Management PrinciplesThe fundamental organizational principle guiding LG from beginning as a firm
No. 1 LG is the ultimate goal of becoming a market leader in business performance as well as in management practices.
a trustworthy brand that provides best products and services
To Employees
a great workplace that talented individuals want to join
To Investors
a secure investment that yields sustained high returns
To Competitors
a leader that competitors are willing to learn from
Behavioral Mode
Jeong-Do Management is an ethical management and code of conduct to enable capability development and fair competition.
What is “Jeong-Do” Management?
“Jeong-Do” Management represents LG’s unique code of conduct. “Jeong-Do” Management does not only stand for ethics management. True “Jeong-Do” Management goes beyond ethics management. It encompasses producing substantial results with the knowledge to thrive in a competitive world.
INTEGRITYWork transparently according to principles and standards
FAIR TRANSACTIONProvide equal opportunities and fair treatment in every transactional relationship
FAIR COMPETITIONImprove capabilities with which one can fairly win the competition
Management Principles
LG’s management philosophy embraces “Creating Values for Customers” and “People-oriented Management” as the company’s main operating principles.
Customer-Value Creation
Customer first
Think of customers as the top priority – the starting point of management.
Make decisions with the emphasis on the end-user.
Delivery of substantive value
Be one step ahead in finding latent customer needs.
Provide the best products and services that exceed customer expectations.
Innovation-driven creation
Come up with differentiated ideas that step “outside the box”.
Always look for and practice better method and practices.
People-Oriented Management
Self-management and creativity
Take ownership in all matters and take initiatives.
Break free from conventional ways to pursue new ideas and think outside the box.
Respect for human dignity
Respect diversity and dignity of individuals.
Consider people as the most important asset.
Capability development and actualization
Believe in your ability to become Number One and focus on developing competencies through work.
Provide the opportunity for individuals to demonstrate their potentials to the maximum.
Performance-based reward
Set a challenging goal and make sustained achievements.
Evaluate and compensate fairly to reflect short and long-term achievements.
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